A downloadable game

Skramble - The 1982 Terminal Software VIC-20  version converted into a game for the Mega65 by Megastyle.

This game was originally made for the Commodore VIC-20 in 1982 by Reg W. Stevens. It was made for the unexpanded version of the VIC-20 that was released with only 3.5K RAM. (5K if you include the screen RAM). The terrain you are flying over would never fit into such a small among of RAM so what you actually are flying over is the game code itself. That is. The game loads its own ASM code and calculates the terrain based on these values. These game coders back then really knew how to squeeze every resource out of this machine. 

Frank Gasking wrote an article about this game where he also got comments from Reg himself. This article can be found here: https://fgasking.wordpress.com/2006/05/24/game-spotlight-skramble/ 

As you probably understand by now then this was one of my all-time favorite games for the unexpanded Commodore VIC-20. This same game was also released by Rabbit software and uses some different graphics. Reg also talks about this in the article mention above.


Skramble - Mega65 Version.prg 30 kB

Install instructions

A game for the Mega65 Computer created by Megastyle in 2024.  If you do not own a Mega65, you can use an emulator like Xemu. Due to licensing issues setting up the emulator is a tad cumbersome, but it's worth it (here's an explanation on what to do:  https://www.stevencombs.com/xemu-on-mac)


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which emulator we have to use ?

Apologies for being a bit dense but how do I mount this PRG on my Mega65 from the freeze menu? Only seems to be able to recognise D81 images (like Omega Race and Invaders you did previously).

Either use Dirmaster, create a D81 and copy the PRG in, or use m65connect or etherload to send the PRG directly from the PC to the MEGA6

Wow, this was one of my faves growing up and it's great to see the mega65 getting some love. Well done ✅